Pretty Tied Up
Artist: Guns N' Roses
Album: Use Your Illusion II
Tabber: Niall 'Clitz' (
Tuning: G, D, A, E (Standard)
Note: a lot of fills heh
R - Rest
0h4 - Hammer On
3p0 - Pull Off
/ - Slide up
~ - let note ring
. - Staccato
Verses (you'll hear the hammer ons when ya play it)
Fill (Descreet)
Pre-Chorus (Friday night...)
Pre-Chorus (CONTINUED, the breakdown sorta part)
Chorus Fill Chorus Ending
Another fill
Solo x2 x a fuck of a lot
end solo with chorus ending, then play intro again.
the end of the solo is also what they play at the end of the song, along with
sliding variations.