Since I Don't Have You
Artist: Guns N' Roses (Cover)
Tabber: Niall 'Clitz' (
Tuning: G, D, Ab, Eb (High to Low)
Note: good song, could have some corrections but i laid it out well when
I was playing it to the CD, unfortunately i have NO PAPER in my house so
I'm doing this one without an amp, at the computer and with an mp3
so its down to my mind, run along.
Tuning might look weird but it saves time coz you don't need to tune down
G or D
Intro x2
Verse 1, 2 3.
Bridge (play verse up to Eb-5-5-5-5-5 then play this) 'Happiness and I guess'
Repeat bar as needed
Solo is the same as verse with TINY variations, you WILL be able to find it
out, if you have
real problems then e-mail me, but it helps your brain and bass playing if you
try to figure
it yourself :)
the 'You!! You!!' part
|G||-------------------------------------------------| End on A-Flat, Repeat
as needed
End Part (I don't know if this is on bass, but it sounds like it, Duff uses
an effect)
incase you dont know which bit this is, then it starts at 3:41 after Axel says